Advance Pump and Filter maintains certification as operator for public water systems in New Hampshire.
Based on your systems needs, we will customize a plan. From simple systems, to complex, you can count on us to be your single point of contact for your water system.
Who needs a certified operator?
The New Hampshire Water Works Operator Certification Program requires all community and non-community/non-transient public water systems in New Hampshire to be under the responsible charge of a primary certified drinking water system operator. Examples are nursing homes, mobile home parks.
Why does the State require certified operators?
A public water system represents a significant lifelong investment for any community, demanding that operators be fully trained and certified. This program provides assurance that water works operators have basic knowledge and understanding to provide a safe, adequate, and reliable supply of water to their customers.
What does the certified operator do?
The primary operator is responsible for all operational aspects and for overseeing system maintenance.
According to the New Hampshire DES, the operational duties of a primary water system operator are:
Conduct routine inspections of the water system
Oversee operation and maintenance to maintain the safety and reliability of water service by ensuring that repairs and improvements are performed properly and in a timely manner, or, in the alternative, notifying the owner in writing of the need for such repairs and improvements
Be knowledgeable in all operational aspects of the water system
Have supervisory authority, including supervision of operating personnel
Attend any sanitary surveys conducted by state
Oversee all chemical monitoring, bacterial monitoring, and other monitoring (Collect Samples required by New Hampshire DES)
Oversee wellhead protection, watershed protection, and other activities associated with chemical monitoring waivers or otherwise (assist with waiver applications to avoid unnecessary testing)
Conduct all reporting necessary in order for the water system to comply with the requirements
Keep complete and accurate water system records
Budget Development Assistance
New Hampshire Well and Distribution System Maintenance